The organic project in Kyrgyzstan began in 2014 with the aim of sustainably promoting agriculture in the Arslanbob region. The agronomist Yury, supported by MorgenLand and GIZ, focused on social, ecological and food safety standards and managed to export the first walnuts and plums to Germany as early as 2017.

Wild walnuts from the Arslanbob Valley

The Arslanbob Valley in Kyrgyzstan is home to a unique natural jewel: the largest natural walnut grove in the world. This ancient forest stretches over an area of 30,000 hectares and has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Some walnut trees reach heights of up to 30 meters and are over 1,000 years old.

Ein Mangobaum mit einem Haufen Mangos daneben.

The land belongs to the state, which leases it to local farmers in small plots. During harvest time, the farmers and their families ride into the forest every day to collect the nuts and bring them back to the village. Around 600 farmers deliver their harvest to Yury, who pays them fair prices 10% more than usual.

The walnuts are certified as wild harvest according to the strict EU organic guidelines, for which the farmers are organized in cooperatives. As machines are unsuitable for the small walnuts, they are carefully cracked by hand by 120 seasonal workers. After drying, the nuts are packaged and exported to Germany, where we check their quality again before they are sold.

Known? – The nutshells are not waste but a valuable heating resource for the population.

Plum cultivation in the Jalalabad region

In Jalalabad, over 1,000 mountain farmers grow plums at altitudes of 500 to 2,600 meters. The orchards are irrigated by mountain springs, which creates the best conditions for organic cultivation. GIZ supports the farmers by advising them on organic pesticides and traditional fertilization.

The plums are harvested from the end of August to the beginning of September. The fruit is picked by hand, pitted and dried to 19% moisture in small drying plants. Finally, the dried plums are packaged and sent to Germany, where we check the quality and sell the products in the organic trade.

In this way, the project promotes sustainable agriculture in Kyrgyzstan and creates new, fairly paid jobs in the region.

Mehrere Pflaumen am Baum

Our organic plums and wild walnuts

EgeSun GmbHLübkemannstraße 728876 QytenGermany
© 2025 EgeSun GmbH
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