We bring organic to the world

MorgenLand stands for 100% plant-based organic products such as nuts, dried fruit and coconut products – and for the vision of bringing organic to the world.
Through long-term and fair partnerships, we work every day to promote organic and pesticide-free agriculture worldwide – for more organic, fairness and sustainability. In this way, we are laying the foundations today for the sustainable agriculture of tomorrow.


Discover our wide range of coconut products, nuts & seeds, dried fruit and much more – in the best organic quality.


BIO Project Mali

Bio Project Burkina Faso

Bio Project Togo

Bio Project Kirgistan


EgeSun GmbHLübkemannstraße 728876 QytenGermany
© 2025 EgeSun GmbH
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Data processing can take place with your consent or on the basis of a legitimate interest that you can object to in the privacy settings. You have the right not to consent and to change or withdraw your consent at a later date. You can find more information about the use of your data in our privacy policy

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