Burkina Faso

Since 2011, MorgenLand has been involved in an organic project in Burkina Faso that creates ideal conditions for mango cultivation thanks to ideal soil and climate conditions.

In Fogué we have found a committed and competent partner who will successfully implement the project on site with specialist knowledge and vision. He grew up in Burkina Faso and trained as a food processing engineer in Moscow. He founded his own company. This company convinces local small farmers to grow and process mangoes according to ecological standards in order to prepare them for export. Today, seven groups of farmers cultivate an area of around 350 hectares.

In Burkina Faso, the main mango varieties grown are Amelie, Brooks and Leepens. The Amelie variety is harvested from April to May, while Brooks is harvested between June and the end of July. During this time, the farmers bring in the fruit together with their families and helpers. The mangoes are then transported by truck to the processing plant in Ouagadougou. There, around 200 employees – mainly women – carry out the careful processing: the mangoes are sorted, peeled, cut and gently dried by hand. The fruit is then exported to Germany, where a final quality check is carried out before it is sold in the organic trade.

Mehrere Mangos liegen auf trockenen Blättern auf dem Boden

Known? – There are over 1,000 different types of mango, which differ not only in color and taste, but also in shape and size. For one kilo of dried mangos, around 16 kilos of fresh fruit are needed.

Since 2019, the mangos have been Naturland-certified, a seal that stands for particularly high ecological and social standards. The Naturland certification is committed to sustainable agriculture, the protection of soil, water and biodiversity, and the observance of labor and human rights. The MorgenLand organic project thus makes a valuable contribution to the creation and safeguarding of jobs and promotes future-proof, sustainable agriculture.

Organic-Mango pieces

EgeSun GmbHLübkemannstraße 728876 QytenGermany
© 2025 EgeSun GmbH
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